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AWS Systems Manager to remotely run commands on EC2 instances

Writer's picture: ParagParag

Updated: Jul 23, 2021

Learn AWS Systems Manager to automate management tasks by remotely running commands on your Amazon EC2 instances at scale.


1. Learn AWS Systems Manager a Management tool that enables to take action on AWS EC2 instances safely & at scale

2. Learn to use run command, one of the automation features of Systems Manager, to simplify management tasks by eliminating the need to use bastion hosts, SSH, or remote PowerShell.

Step 1: In AWS Console, go to IAM Service.

In side panel click on Roles under Access Management. Click on Create Role.

Configure as follows:

Select type of trusted entity: AWS service

Choose a use case: EC2

Click on Next: Permissions

In next step: Attach permission policies, search for AmazonEC2RoleforSSM, and select that policy as below.

Skip Add Tags step and continue.

In the Review step configure as follows:

Role name: EC2RoleForSystemManager

Role description: This Role provides EC2 access to Systems Manager

Click on Create Role.

Step 2: In EC2 service, click on the Launch Instances.

Step 3: After clicking on the launch instance you will be redirected to this page. Here search/select Amazon Linux 2 AMI.

Step 4: Choose an Instance Type over here.

  • Select General purpose type t2.micro Instance Type.

  • Click on Next: Configure Instance Details at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 5: Here you will Configure Instance Details.

In the Subnet field select on the drop down list and select one of the subnets from list. Here we select 1a for this instance.

In IAM Role field select the role created in Step 1.

Step 6: Click Next: Add Storage at bottom right of screen.

In this step keep all the default settings as they are and click on the

Next: Add Tags button at the bottom right of the screen.

Keep all the default settings as they are.

Click on the Next: Configure Security Group at the bottom right of the screen.

Step 7: Configure Security Group:

Create a new security group and name it as LINUX_WEB_SERVER_GROUP

Description: Security Groups for webservers

Keep the default SSH rule and add a new rule.

From the drop-down list select HTTP Rule.

Warning: Rules with source of allow all IP addresses to access your instance.

Note: We recommend setting security group rules to allow access from known IP addresses only. While using this feature for production make sure the known IP address is entered.

Click on Review and Launch button on the bottom right corner

Step 8: Review Instance Launch

Here are all the details regarding your instance. Read them once and check if all the configurations are correct

Click on the Launch button at the bottom right corner.

Select the existing key pair and launch instance.

Step 9: Similarly Launch one more instance and select 1b subnet while configuration.

Confirm that both the instances are in Running state.

Step 10: In AWS Console, go to AWS Systems Manager Service.

In the Side Panel click on Run Command under Node Management.

Click on Run Command button.

In the step of Run a command, Search the document as follows:

Document name prefix : Equals : AWS-UpdateSSMAgent

Press Enter.

Select the Radio Button.

Scroll down to Targets.

Select Choose Instances Manually. And Select the 2 instances created above.

Scroll to the bottom and click on Run to run the command.

In the next page, wait until the Status changes from In Progress to Success.

Thus we have updated the EC2 Instance SSM Agent so as to operate commands over the instance remotely.

Step 11: Go back to Run Command under Node Management.

Click again on Run Command button.

In the step of Run a command, Search the document as follows:

Document name prefix : Equals : AWS-RunShellScript

Press Enter.

Select the Radio Button.

Scroll down to Command parameters. Give the following script:

sudo yum -y update

sudo yum -y install httpd

sudo chkconfig httpd on

sudo service httpd start

sudo echo "<html><h1>Hello! How are You? This is your Web Server!</h1></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html

Scroll down to Targets.

Select Choose Instances Manually. And Select the 2 instances created above.

Scroll to the bottom and click on Run to run the command.

In the next page, wait until the Status changes from In Progress to Success.

Step 12: Check the Web Server Is Running.

Go to EC2 Console, select instance one at a time.

Copy the IPv4 Public IP or the DNS name in description below.

Run the IP address in a new tab of your browser to check if the web server is running.

If the message is visible, it message means the web server is running.

Note: If you no longer need these instances make sure to terminate them.

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Piyush Patil
Piyush Patil
Jul 14, 2024

Easy to understand


Yogita Shinde
Yogita Shinde
May 16, 2024

easy to follow the steps.


Mar 05, 2024

very useful sir


Mar 05, 2024

Easy to follow


Mar 05, 2024

Good blog

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