Learning Objective:
Learn how to create a CodeCommit repository and clone it to your AWS CloudShell
Learn how to stage and commit a file to your cloned repository.
A basic understanding of Git commands and version control concepts
A file in the home directory of your shell that can be committed to the local and remote repositories. In this tutorial, it's referred to as my-git-file.
Step 1:
In the top right corner of AWS console click on CloudShell icon.
This window will show up. Here we are using Europe (Ireland)eu-west-1
Step 2:
Create and clone a CodeCommit repository.
1. In the CloudShell command line interface, enter the following codecommit command to create a CodeCommit repository called MyDemoRepo
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name MyDemoRepo --repository-description "My demonstration repository"
2. Using the CloudShell command line interface, create a new directory for your local repository and make it your working directory.
mkdir my-shell-repo
cd my-shell-repo
3. To clone the remote repository, use the git clone command. (As you're working with git-remote-codecommit, use the HTTPS (GRC) URL style).
git clone codecommit::eu-west-1://MyDemoRepo
If the repository is successfully cloned, the command line displays the service's response.
4. To navigate to the cloned repository, use the cd command.
cd MyDemoRepo
Step 3:
Stage and commit a file before pushing it to your CodeCommit repository.
1. Add a file called my-git-file to the MyDemoRepo folder using either a Vim editor or the file upload feature of AWS CloudShell.
vim my-git-file
with this you will enter in vim editor once you do press Escape and you will enter in command mod. Now type :wq
Once you enter it will take you back to the CloudShell.
2. To stage your file in the repository, run the git add command.
git add my-git-file
3. To check that the file has been staged and is ready to be committed, run the git status command.
git status
my-git-file is listed as a new file and displays in green text, indicating it's ready to be committed.
If you're asked for configuration information to complete the commit, use the following format.
git config --global user.name "Jane Doe"
git config --global user.email janedoe@example.com
4. Commit this version of the staged file to the repository.
git commit -m "first commit to repo"
5. To sync your remote repository with the changes made in your local one, push the changes to the upstream branch.
git push
Note: If you no longer need this CloudShell environment delete it.
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