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Create a business intelligent dashboard on Amazon QuickSight by using S3 as a dataset store

Create a business intelligent dashboard on Amazon QuickSight by using S3 as a dataset store

Tutorial Objectives:

1. Learn to import datasets directly from your S3 bucket, connect using a manifest file and create business intelligent visualizations

Step 1: Log into your Amazon QuickSight account

Log on to your AWS Management Console.

Search for QuickSight and click it.

Enter your username and password.

Click on Sign In

To learn how to create an account, please refer to our previous tutorial here.

Step 2: Download the dataset (Sales Orders from this link and extract the zip.

On your AWS Management Console, open S3 Services.

Click on Create bucket.

Provide a unique name for the bucket and by keeping the others as default, create the bucket.

Click on Upload and click on Add Files.

Upload the extracted .csv file onto the bucket.

Now scroll down and click on Upload.

Once this is done, click on the object and copy the S3 URI.

Step 3: Create your Manifest file.

Copy the following code and paste it in a notepad.

    "fileLocations": [
            "URIs": [
    "globalUploadSettings": {
        "format": "CSV",
        "delimiter": ",",
        "textqualifier": "'",
        "containsHeader": "true"

Replace your object’s S3 URI in the place that is highlighted in blue.

Save the file as data.json

On your QuickSight homepage, click on Datasets and click on New Dataset.

On the Create a Dataset page, click on the right top corner. Click on Manage QuickSight.

On the Left tab, click on Security and Permissions and click on Manage.

Check the box next to Amazon S3 and choose the bucket that has your dataset.

Once this is done, Click on Finish and click on Save.

Step 4: On the Create Dataset page, click on S3.

Provide the Data source name as Dataset-Orders and upload the manifest file that you created.

Now click on Connect.

Now your dataset is ready for visualization.

To visualize a dataset, follow the steps from our previous tutorial.

Note: Delete the bucket, dataset and dashboard if not needed after use.

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QuickSight Tutorial S3
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