Learning Objective:
a. Learn to set EventBridge notifications for state change in EC2 instances
Step 1:
In AWS Management Console, go to EC2 and create 2 Linux instances. For step-by-step guide to create instances refer to this blog.
Step 2:
Create an SNS topic named MyTopic. Refer to this blog (Step 1,2 and 3) for guidance. In Subscriptions Select Email instead of Email-JSON in Protocol.
Step 3:
Go to EventBridge and click on Rules, Create rule. Give the Name as MyEC2StateChangeEvent and a suitable description. Click on Next

Step 4:
In Build event pattern, under Sample event select EC2 Instance State-change Notification and under Event pattern select EC2 from AWS service and EC2 Instance State-change Notification in Event type. Click on Next.

Step 5:
In Select Target select SNS Topic and the topic we created in Step 2 from dropdown. Click Next till you get to Review and create and Create rule.

Step 6:
Stop the first instance and check the email address specified in the SNS topic. You should have received a mail from SNS topic specifying that instance has stopped.

Now Terminate the second instance. Again you should receive a mail informing about the termination of the instance.

Note: After you have finished, remove the SNS, EventBridge and EC2 instances.
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Nice blog..very helpful!
Very helpful
Easy to understand
Very helpful!
Easy to understand